Boot Camp for Magazine Editors New York starts March 16 Online starts June 1
In four weeks, you'll learn how to edit various styles of articles, master the assignment letter, foster strong writer-editor relationships, and manage freelancers.
Boot Camp: Writing About Pop Culture for Magazines New York starts March 21
This eight-week advanced class will explore ways of treating the subject of pop culture in writing, from the most conventional "puff piece" to the most highfalutin "consideration," from the most straightforward review or profile to the most attitudinal rant.
New York and Online classes taught by Christopher Scapelliti, executive editor of Guitar World, founding editor of Revolver, and consulting editor of Fortune Music.
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New York class taught by Janet Steen, former editor at Time Out New York, Details, and US Weekly.
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New York starts March 22
Online starts April 12
We have several copyediting classes coming up that will show you how to spot—and repair—the most common punctuation, grammatical, and stylistic mistakes. Our intro class is for those interested in learning how to master the copy test and break into the field. Our intermediate and advanced courses are designed for experienced copy editors who want to advance to the next level.
Health and Medical Writing Boot Camp Online starts April 3
This eClass is an eight-week immersion into scientific writing, with a focus on understanding lingo and interpreting medical studies to help you be the first to report on the latest health and medical stories.
Online & New York classes taught by professional copy editors at the top of their field.
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Online class taught by Ivan Oransky, M.D., deputy editor of The Scientist.
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Workshops with Sue Shapiro
New York starts April 4 (Intro and Intermediate/Advanced)
In just five weeks, you'll leave with at least two salable first person pieces and all the tricks to help you sell them to magazines and newspapers in NYC.
Writing for Women's Magazines
Online starts April 4
New York starts May 16
From Glamour to Good Housekeeping, women's magazines are among the most lucrative and high-profile markets, which is why this is one of our most popular classes. In this intensive workshop, you will learn how to wow editors in the so-called "pink ghetto" with the stories they want (and need).
New York classes taught by Lighting Up author Susan Shapiro, who has published her articles and essays in more than 100 publications.
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Online class taught by Julia Dahl, a reporter for Entertainment Weekly and a former editor at Redbook and Marie Claire.
New York class taught by Cara Birnbaum, freelancer for Allure, Cosmopolitan, YM, and Twist.
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Men's Magazine Writing Boot Camp New York starts April 5
To many writers, cracking the club of men's magazines is the professional grail: an opportunity to write gutsy pieces, work with storied editors and rub shoulders with the best journalists in the business. In this intensive eight week class, you'll learn how to gain admission to that club.
New York class taught by Matt Schneiderman, a former features editor at Sync magazine.
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How to Become a Red Carpet Reporter New York March 15
Ask the right questions that will make you stand out among the red-carpet reporting chaos. This seminar will cover everything from dealing with PR people to tactfully asking touchy questions.
The Secrets Behind Writing & Selling Your First Book New York March 19
In this six-hour Sunday workshop, participants bring in a one-page agent's cover letter that describes the book, provides a bio, and features the book title and subtitle, and our expert will offer her no-holds-barred critique and constructive suggestions. In the final hour of the workshop, Dutton editor Julie Doughty and agent Byrd Leavell will join in to discuss some of the most promising packets.
New York seminar taught by Kathy Ehrich Dowd, former entertainment editor at Life & Style Weekly.
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New York workshop taught by Susan Shapiro, author of two acclaimed memoirs, Five Men Who Broke My Heart and Lighting Up.
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How to Become an Arts Journalist New York March 20
Find out why the field of arts journalism is one of the most fertile for freelancers and how to get yourself into the loop.
How to Find Out Anything: The Secrets of Professional Fact-Finders New York March 27
Discover how to unearth critical data on people, companies, industries and specific subjects, as well as how to use the web and libraries' resources together to turn yourself into a formidable fact-finder.
New York seminar taught by Alana Newhouse, arts and culture editor at The Forward newspaper.
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New York seminar taught by Don MacLeod, law librarian and Internet research book author.
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Health Writing for Journalists New York March 28
From The New Yorker to Glamour, there's never been more interest in medical topics. Learn how to find the latest health studies and translate them out of medical jargon, as well as how to pitch a medical story and who to pitch it to. Brand Blogging 101 New York April 3
This seminar is designed to provide journalists, photographers, authors, editors, and publishers with low-cost marketing ideas and strategies to utilize blogs as marketing tools. New York seminar taught by Ivan Oransky, MD, deputy editor of The Scientist.
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New York seminar taught by Robb Hecht, a marketing consultant with IMC Strategies.
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How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal that Sells New York April 10
Find out how to capture the attention of agents and editors by writing an irresistible book proposal. This seminar will guide you through everything you need to know about what makes a proposal sell.
Copywriting A to Z: Writing for the Ad World New York April 17
Parlay your skills as a writer into copywriting cash by writing for the advertising market. Find out how to sell your words without selling your soul.
New York seminar taught by Ryan Fischer Harbage, editor at Simon & Schuster.
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New York seminar taught by Jennifer Eggers, senior copywriter at Anomaly whose clients include Virgin America, Coca-Cola and The New York Times.
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Chick Lit
New York starts March 15
This eight-week class will get you started on your own chick lit novel. Typically published in trade paperback with candy-colored covers, chick lit tends to be about the challenges of being a woman today. This class will help you get your story out there -- and in the process maybe bend the rules and push the borders.
Humor Writing Boot Camp
New York starts March 22
Online starts June 8
Write uproarious essays and articles for print, radio, and online, as well as droll, dry, and subtly ingenious comedy in other forms in this 8-week intensive boot camp.
New York class taught by Stephanie Lehmann, author of chick lit novels Are You in the Mood?, Thoughts While Having Sex, and The Art of Undressing.
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New York and Online classes taught by Brett Leveridge, author of Men My Mother Dated; contributor to This American Life and All Things Considered.
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The 12-Week Young Adult Novelist Online starts March 30
The goal is simple: start and finish your YA novel in 12 weeks within this eClass. In addition to getting help with your draft, you'll focus on writing a proposal letter that doesn't end up in the slush pile.
Travel Essay Writing
New York starts April 10
Travel essay writing is one of the most difficult forms of travel writing, but also the most rewarding. In this 8-week advanced class, you will learn what makes a travel essay work.
Online class taught by Gayle Forman, author of Sisters in Sanity, a young-adult novel due out in 2007 from Harper Collins.
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New York class taught by former Vanity Fair staffer James Sturz.
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Travel Writing Boot Camp
New York starts April 11
Online starts May 3
Students will write various forms of travel journalism, from travel-related news items to personal essays, with the goal of selling these pieces to local, regional, and national publications.
Memoir Writing
Online starts April 19 (Intermediate)
New York starts April 20 (Beginner)
In this eight-week class, learn how to use your memories to the best of your ability and how to make even the smallest life events more interesting while giving structure to your story.
New York class taught by former Vanity Fair staffer James Sturz.
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Online class taught by John Newton, editor of Conde Nast Traveler.
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Online class taught by Starlee Kine, regular contributor to the New York Times Magazine humor section.
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New York class taught by Precious Williams, writer for Glamour, Marie Claire, and London's Daily Telegraph; contributing editor for Elle (UK).
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The Haute Stuff: Intro to Fashion and Beauty Writing New York starts April 20
In this six-week intro to fashion and beauty writing, you'll learn how to court sources, how to avoid stilted prose and descriptive clichés, and how to get your work published in the glossies.
Writing Comedy for TV
New York starts April 20
Learn how to analyze news stories and current trends to create material, how to crank out material even when you're not feeling funny, and how to land your first comedy-writing job in this eight-week course.
New York class taught by Mary Lisa Gavenas, who has been a senior editor at Glamour, Mirabella, and InStyle and a columnist for Elle.
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Taught by Alan Cross, Saturday Night Live freelancer and three-time Emmy Award nominee for VH1's Pop-Up Video.
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Controlling Idea and the Art of Storytelling New York March 21
Controlling idea is the single most important creative element, essential for building the structure of any story. This seminar provides an advanced method of developing intellectually and emotionally compelling stories for print, film, and TV.
Cookbook Writing 101
New York March 21
This three-hour seminar will cover all the steps necessary to transform your favorite recipes into a finished book, including a detailed outline of what goes into a book proposal. This seminar will be preceded by a complimentary wine-tasting.
New York seminar taught by Dmitriy Ventsimerov, head of the story development department at the New York-based film production company Insight Images.
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New York seminar taught by Melissa Clark, recipient of both the James Beard and Julia Child Cookbook awards.
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Humor Writing 103
New York March 29
Learn how to spot issues, events, and moments that are ripe for humor writing and how to find publishing markets for various forms of humor.
Writing the Comic Memoir
New York April 6
Learn how to spin your life into a bestselling book. This seminar will show you how to tell your life story in a self-deprecatingly and profitable way without making stuff up.
New York class taught by Lynn Harris, frequent contributor to Salon, Nerve, and Glamour; author of Miss Media.
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New York seminar taught by Neal Pollack, author of three hard-hitting books of satirical fiction.
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Breaking into Food Writing
New York April 19
This info-packed three-hour seminar will give you an insider's look at the food-publishing industry, show you what makes a winning article, and teach you how to eat your way around the world.
Fictional Techniques and Literary Devices for Writers
New York April 20
This lively seminar will utilize each student's writing practice to illustrate theoretical points, including an examination of the three rhetorical devices that are inherent in all literature.
New York seminar taught by food writer David Leite, published in Bon Appetit, Saveur, Los Angeles Times, The Charlotte Observer, and Chicago Sun-Times.
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New York seminar taught by Jackson Taylor, associate director of the M.F.A. Writing Program at The New School.
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2-Day Film School
New York April 8-9
We have teamed up with the Hollywood Film Institute to put you through film school in one weekend! This course will teach you how to write, produce, direct, finance, distribute, and market your independent film. Sign up now for the course that has taught industry giants like Quentin Tarantino, Baz Luhrman, Guy Ritchie, Queen Latifah, and Will Smith the film-industry ropes.
Boot Camp for Writers of Women's TV and Cable Shows
New York starts April 8
Learn how to shop your female-oriented TV/Cable idea directly to production companies, networks, studios, actors, and agents in this advanced level class that will help you sell your pitch to the right TV exec.
New York class taught by Dov S-S Simens, considered one of Hollywood’s leadings film instructors.
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New York class taught by Laurie Scheer, former programming VP for WE: Women's Entertainment.
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The Sitcom Writer's Room: Two-Day Intensive
New York April 22-23
This rigorous two-day workshop is for writers without professional television experience who want to learn how it's really done. This class will give students the feel of what it's like to work in the television industry.
New York class taught by Reid Harrison, who has been writing TV comedies for 13 years.
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Write for (and Pitch to) Women's TV Networks
Washington, D.C. March 15
Explore the nuances involved in developing talk shows, dramas, comedies, game shows, and documentaries—all content that appeals to women's audiences. Learn the tools needed to prepare a no-fail query letter and to sell a synopsis to Lifetime, WE, Oxygen, and more.
Story Development for Screenwriters
New York March 16
This seminar will teach you how to write and develop a story that works on screen. Master the basics of working from character, incorporating premise, and building stakes. Through various excerises, you will gain a working knowledge of the techniques needed to develop your story. Learn how to write each successive screenplay more effectively than the one before.
Washington, D.C. seminar taught by Laurie Scheer, former VP of Programming for WE: Women's Entertainment.
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New York seminar taught by Michael Zam, screenwriter, script doctor, and writing coach.
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The Art of the Film Pitch
New York March 20
Pitches, along with original screenplays, are the lifeblood of the Hollywood spec writer's marketplace, and the craft of creating and delivering one is almost as nuanced as writing the actual movie. This seminar will teach you what ideas to pitch, how to time your pitch, and how to utilize concept and cast-ability, among other aspects of the film pitch.
Screenwriter's Workshop
New York April 6
You've had that idea for the next great movie in your head forever. It's time to make that idea a reality. In this seminar, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of structure and storytelling strategies. New York seminar taught by screenwriter Matt Roshkow, who has written and/or produced for almost every major studio and network in Hollywood.
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New York seminar taught by screenwriter D.B. Gilles, author of The Portable Film School and The Screenwriter Within: How To Turn The Movie In Your Head Into A Salable Screenplay.
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QuarkXPress for Writers and Editors
New York March 18-19
A weekend Quark course designed to build your resume by teaching you proficiency in QuarkXPress 6 on a Mac.
Breaking Into Editorial Photography
New York March 30
Get practical information and insider tips on how to land photography assignments with major magazines and newspapers and build a career as an editorial freelancer.
New York class taught by graphic design instructor Lisa Mermelstein.
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Taught by Pulitizer Prize-winning photography editor Stella Kramer.
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Migrating from Quark to InDesign
New York April 1-2
We partner with the Association of Graphic Communications to teach you how to use your Quark power skills to migrate to InDesign.
5 Weeks to a Thriving Photography Career
New York starts Apr. 19
Explore practical information and career opportunities available to photographers, including effective strategies for promotion and etiquette for introducing work to both fine art and commercial industries.
New York class taught by desktop publishing consultant Martha Leinroth.
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New York class taught by commercial and fine arts photographer Malcolm Lightner.
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Create Your Own Website
New York April 22-23
Complete a website in one weekend in this class designed for beginners. Day one will include an introduction to HTML and Dreamweaver, instructions on importing and formatting text, creating links, and using tables for layouts. Day two explores adding images, setting page properties, and creating and using graphics.
New York class taught by Pratt Institute instructor Melody Reed.
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Photography Portfolio Review with Stella Kramer
New York April 5
In this workshop—limited to 12 students—you’ll get your book critiqued and edited to create a tight, well-paced representation of your photography. Veteran newspaper and magazine photo editor Stella Kramer will direct you toward the best places to make your pitch work.
Design Writing for Designers
New York April 24
Learn ways to leverage your design expertise to get freelance writing work for design publications; also find out how to put together a pitch that will catch a design editor’s eye. Taught by Pulitizer Prize-winning photo editor Stella Kramer, whose work has appeared in The New York Times, People, Entertainment Weekly, Sports Illustrated, Newsweek, MONEY, and Brill's Content.
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New York seminar taught by Julie Taraska, former editor of
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Master the Pitch Letter
Online starts March 21
This four-week online class will show you the essential parts of every pitch: how to write a compelling lede, how to pitch in an engaging voice, and when to pitch.
Online class taught by Kristen Kemp, author and freelance writer for Self, Glamour, Ladies' Home Journal, CosmoGIRL!, Girls' Life, Marie Claire, The New York Daily News, and Men's Health.
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Perfect Pitch: Successfully Promote Your Client, Business, or Self
New York March 28
In this three-hour seminar you'll learn how to leverage free media, create a succinct message, and develop and maintain media contacts to promote whatever you're selling.
The Freelance Life: How to Thrive
New York April 5
This intensive, comprehensive seminar, designed to benefit a range of freelancers at all stages of their careers, separates the romance from the reality, and provides proven, real-world information and advice that should make you more productive professionally and personally.
New York seminar taught by Wendy Knight, contributor to The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and The Los Angeles Times.
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New York seminar taught by Lee R. Schreiber, freelancer for The New York Times, GQ, TV Guide, and Men's Fitness.
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