Journalism Fellowship
TWO-DAY FELLOWSHIPS These sessions help 30 journalists develop compelling story ideas and extensive source lists. CJC fellowships are held throughout the country, often in partnership with journalism schools. Fellowships cover materials, a night's lodging and a travel subsidy of up to $200. Impact Journalism: Boosting Enterprise Coverage of Children and Families March 5-6, 2007 University of Maryland, College Park, outside of Washington, D.C.
Today's lean newsrooms demand strong, efficient journalism skills and cutting-edge information to help prevent coverage gaps. Get a jump-start on generating short- and long-term enterprise stories around five critical topics: education; child welfare and foster care; economics and working families; juveniles and crime; and emerging science in child and adolescent development. Tease out trends and meaningful advances in each topic with leading experts . Refine your craft and multimedia storytelling skills with guidance from other accomplished journalists .
Leave the conference with solid subject background and sources, reportable ideas and inspiration to get the job done. Fellowships are open to print, broadcast and online journalists and include one night's lodging, meals, materials and a $200 travel subsidy. Thirty journalists will be selected for fellowships. Fellows may extend their stays, at their own expense but at a reduced hotel rate, to take advantage of independent reporting and research opportunities in and near Washington, D.C. Meet with congressional or other government staff, or visit association headquarters and think tanks. CJC staff can assist with suggestions and, in some cases, arrangements.
Applications must be received by Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007.
Fellows will be selected by Jan. 24.
Today's lean newsrooms demand strong, efficient journalism skills and cutting-edge information to help prevent coverage gaps. Get a jump-start on generating short- and long-term enterprise stories around five critical topics: education; child welfare and foster care; economics and working families; juveniles and crime; and emerging science in child and adolescent development. Tease out trends and meaningful advances in each topic with leading experts . Refine your craft and multimedia storytelling skills with guidance from other accomplished journalists .
Leave the conference with solid subject background and sources, reportable ideas and inspiration to get the job done. Fellowships are open to print, broadcast and online journalists and include one night's lodging, meals, materials and a $200 travel subsidy. Thirty journalists will be selected for fellowships. Fellows may extend their stays, at their own expense but at a reduced hotel rate, to take advantage of independent reporting and research opportunities in and near Washington, D.C. Meet with congressional or other government staff, or visit association headquarters and think tanks. CJC staff can assist with suggestions and, in some cases, arrangements.
Applications must be received by Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007.
Fellows will be selected by Jan. 24.